Devastating was the news for some of the members of the crew (see Newsflash #13). The tourmanagement of Vigg Strubble was already expecting it. Some of the roadies didn’t. It was not a meeting that will be remembered as a pleasant one.
But the solidarity among the roadmanagers was remarkable. “It has always been top-of-the-bill working with you, guys”, was one of the things Vigg mentioned in his farewell speech. He recalled several epic moments together in different countries. Memories of some gigs were illustrated by Vigg with some songs. All together: it became very emotional. At the end of the meeting the management of Vigg Strubble told about the implications of the social plan (that was worked out by Vigg’s management and commissioned by Vigg himself) to make sure that no one of Vigg’s tourcrew and booking office would face a hard time. (N.#14/04/2004)